Meet The Sony Specialists On Your One-On-One Calls!

Book a one-on-one call with a Sony Specialist! Sony has the best and most knowledgable specialists available to answer all your questions, including Yadu Fereaud. Join him for a Sony One-On-One Call!

Until June 30th, we are hosting our Sony One-On-One Calls, where you can talk to Yadu or another expert Sony Specialist about anything Sony.

Sony’s Specialists come from all kinds of photography backgrounds, with years of industry experience, making them the best to talk to about camera and lens choices, troubleshooting problems, or getting the most out of your Sony products! So whether you want to know what makes the A7 III special, or the A7R IV, or how to choose between the two, Yadu can help you out!

To book your One-On-One call, go to or click here!

Category_announcements and infoSonySony one-on-one callsSony specialistVirtual sony demo days