PGYTech Protective Wraps

SKU: P-CB-101


Sale price$29.95
In stock


The PGYTech protective wraps can be form-fitted safely around cameras, lenses, small tripods, filters, iPad, or anything else that needs a little extra protection. PGYTech protective wraps in the medium size are 45x45cm (17.7x17.7"), and the small size is 38x38cm (13.7x13.7").

Let Each Wrap Be Self-secured

The fabric is made of polymer material and processed with nano-technology. It features great bonding force that won't be compromised after wash.

Protect from Scratches and Bumps

Constructed from ripstop material, it keeps your valuables from scratches and bumps and
gives them the care they deserve.

Easily Keep Your Gear Clean

The smooth interior lining is suitable for wiping out stains or water spots on screens or other tools.

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