367 Families took part in this project. 255 wrote personal stories, poems or anecdotes. 156 beautiful pets are in the book. I featured 11- 2020 graduates. I have the stories of 4 other photographers from across Canada who made their own porchraits, including the photographer who inspired me to make this porchraits initiative.
There are over 65,000 words in the book, over 650 photographs, on 352 very high-quality pages, bound in a linen-wrapped hardcover, with a gorgeous glossy dust jacket.

This book was created from 38 porchraits days from March 21st to July 10th. Over 5000kms were driven, and I clicked the shutter 75,000+ times (that is nearly 5 terabytes of hard drive space) at over 600 homes. Even though this porch portrait project didn't have a cost to participate but instead a very optional donation button, my family and my company supported 100% through the hardest parts of the pandemic. In turn, we supported other Calgarians by shopping local and supporting local charitable needs.
"There are common themes across each of the families that I photographed. One is that they are all looking for a good, positive moment in a really dark scary time. Two, that most families found unexpected gratitude for things that they would have overlooked before, like cooking, making bread, or finding disinfectant on the shelf. A third theme that is prevalent is how much they appreciated quality time with each other. To be forced to slow down, and just exist together gave many a new perspective on their relationships. These are general themes observed, but it’s not the case for all, as you’ll read in this book.
Inside this book are stories from 250+ families, and as you read, you’ll find connections to your own life, that will resonate beyond coincidence. This pandemic is a shared experience and as you make your way along this journey, you’ll feel seen, connected, and likely very emotional. You’ll Laugh at some of the silly photos, and some of the stories will have you stopping in your tracks, sharing the grief and pain some families went through."