Hasselblad 30mm f3.5 XCD

SKU: H3025030

Sale price$5,542.00
On Order


The XCD 30mm is one of the widest angle lens for the X1D. Its focal length provides a 24mm equivalent field of view, making it the perfect landscape, reportage and travel lens.

The lens boasts extremely high performance and a compact build, providing a 71º horizontal angle of view. A unique feature is that the lens will keep its amazing performance even when shooting at close distance.

Designed in Sweden, these lenses have all gone through a stringent development, testing and production process to ensure they satisfy the demands of high end mirrorless digital capture, and high resolution sensors.


The Hasselblad Central Lens Shutter
While the principal of a central, or leaf shutter is very simple, designing one which is fast, accurate, durable and energy efficient is a great challenge. The shutter units are built at our factory in Sweden where we can control each step of the manufacturing process and maintain the utmost quality, shot after shot.

For a leaf shutter to be effective it must accelerate to its open position as quickly as possible and also close quickly and reliably, using minimal power and without causing damage to the blades.

This design has many advantages:
• Flash sync at all shutter speeds, up to 1/2000th second.
• No energy is required to hold the shutter in an open or closed state as the powerful neodymium magnets perform this function.
• The acceleration speed of the leaf blades is very high, so the time taken for the blades to fully open and close is minimal.
• Calibration of shutter speeds is not dependent on mechanics or springs and can be set extremely accurately.
• The shutter is incredibly durable. Working with test exposures of up to 1/1000th second we have seen extremely high life cycles, well beyond the existing service limit of 1,000,000 exposures.
• The shutter is in a ‘ready’ state at all times so does not need to be ‘cocked’.
• Virtually no vibration for longer exposures.


Minimum Aperture: f32

Lens Construction: 11 Element in 10 Groups

Minimum Focus Distance: 0.4m

Lens Mount: Hasselblad XCD

Filter Size: 77mm

Dimensions: 83mm x 88mm

Weight: 550g

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