H&Y REVORING 58-77mm Variable ND3 - ND1000 Filter with Circular Polarizer

SKU: HY345045

Sale price$263.67
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The H&Y REVORING Variable Neutral Density has a dynamic range of ND3 to ND1000, in photographic terms, this equates to 1.5 - 10 stops of light control!

  • Hard Stop - The Variable Neutral Density ring will feature a hard stop at “MAX” preventing the user from going beyond the 10 stop position on the ring.
  • Guide Pin - In addition to the Circular Polarizer inner ring, the Variable Neutral Density outer ring will also feature a guide pin, for improved control and functionality
  • Focal Length Guide - The markers between “Min” and “Max" to reflect focal lengths and stops achieved using different lenses
  • Each REVORING features unique self retracting blade technology with threaded ends to secure on the front of your lens 
  • Each threaded end has been designed to overlap therefore completely removing any possibility of light leak. 
  • All REVORING products are made using Architectural grade Aluminum, keeping it lightweight and tough. The anodised finish also protects the ring from corrosion when shooting outside in unpredicted elements. 

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