The Datacolor Spyder Checkr Video is the all-in-one color chart you need to optimize and harmonize any video workflow. Its patent-pending Color Pattern Card design is Datacolor's most comprehensive color pattern to date, generating a pattern of hues at two saturation levels, allowing you to see how all colors are being captured, not just primary and secondary colors. The easy-to-understand circular pattern that’s created provides an unprecedented level of color information, instantly.
New Way Of Controlling Colors In Videography
Spyder Checkr Video is a color reference chart for use with video vectorscopes, waveform monitors and professional video editing software such as DaVinci Resolve, Adobe Premiere and Final Cut Pro, to ensure accurate video color and exposure. Spyder Checkr Video allows users to color calibrate one or more camera and lens combinations to help get color correct at the start of shooting, in addition to streamlining the post-production workflow.
Customize your Spyder Checkr Photo/Video
One System, various cards. Using either Spyder Checkr Photo or Spyder Checkr Video is a quick and easy way to ensure color accuracy. Workflows are simplified streamlining post-product color correction.
Since these Spyder Checkr products allow for the target cards to be interchangeable, owners can take advantage of cost savings and minimizing product waste by purchasing a full set of cards, such as a Spyder Checkr Video card set for owners of a Spyder Checkr Photo or a Spyder Checkr Photo card deck for owners of a Spyder Checkr Video.