Transparencies: Steven Shore's Early Camera Work

On July 22nd MACK Books will present an exclusive and in-depth conversation between Stephen Shore and LACMA (Los Angeles County Museum of Art) curator Britt Salvesen discussing Shore’s photographic work in the new book “Transparencies: Small Camera Works: 1971-1979”.

Stephen Shore and Britt Salvesen in conversation will be on July 22nd, at 4:00 PM MDT/ 7:00 PM EDT! Just tune in to to view!

In June, I tweeted:

“In partnership with MACK, we are thrilled to announce an exclusive and in-depth conversation between Stephen Shore and LACMA curator Britt Salvesen, discussing Shore’s distinctive photographic work: from pioneering the aesthetic of the great American road trip, the new vanguard of Instagram photography, and how he practices the act of seeing.”

My review of Shore’s work still stands. I love this book. For so many years young people have come to The Camera Store with some 35mm camera or another. We’ve shown them how to load film, how to process film, how to print or scan film. We’ve watched so many young people as they develop their vision. What I love so much about Shore’s book is that you can see him as a young person becoming more self-assured in his medium. By the end of the book, I can see the beginning of a master photographer – even after only seven years of practice. This is a revelation that I want to share with every newcomer: great things are possible. Just look at what Stephen made.

I’m reading a book on composition in the visual arts called “The Power of the Center” by Rudolf Arnheim, where the author notices how terms and concepts in art “have profound philosophical, mystical, and social connotations, undoubtedly pertinent to the full interpretation of works of art.” He continues, “Even so, I resisted the temptation to carry the quest of significance beyond the direct evidence accessible to the eyes.”

When I look at pg. 177 of Transparencies and see Shore’s photograph of an open, crammed attaché, carried by a man on his commute to the train, cradling a book titled “Mother and Child in Modern Art”, I can imagine the source of the desire Shore had to take this image, the longing in a young man’s heart, and this reflection, an image of resilience, commitment, and love. What I love about this book is that it forces me away from the comforts of intellectualizing. I get a little closer to the delight of presence and the immediacy of life.

Stephen Shore and Britt Salvesen will discuss Shore’s distinctive photographic work: from pioneering the aesthetic of the great American road trip, the new vanguard of Instagram photography, and how he practices the act of seeing. The video will screen on Youtube on July 22nd, 2020 at 19:00 EDT (17:00 MDT).

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Stephen Shore and Britt Salvesen in conversation will be on July 22nd, at 4:00 PM MDT/ 7:00 PM EDT! Just tune in to to view!

For more information, click here!

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