Hasselblad Masters 2023 Winners

Hasselblad has proudly and excitedly announced the winners of Hasselblad Masters 2023! The Hasselblad Masters competition has committed to providing a platform for extraordinary photographers around the world to showcase their incredible work since it was established in 2001. This year, an unprecedented 85,000 images were entered into the six categories, Landscape, Architecture, Portrait, Art, Street, and Project//21, which is designed to foster emerging talent. There is no doubt that the Hasselblad Masters is one of the world's most prestigious art competitions, with growing recognition for giving professionals the chance to make their mark in the world of photography.

The winners of the Hasselblad Masters 2023 will receive a Hasselblad 100-megapixel mirrorless medium format camera along with two XCD Series lenses, and a creative fund of EUR 5,000. Using their brand-new Hasselblad cameras, the winners will participate in a collaborative project with Hasselblad and create new photography art, with the opportunity to be featured in the commemorative Hasselblad Masters book and digitally on all Hasselblad channels. Now let's take a look at the esteemed winners!

LANDSCAPE - Weimin Chu | China

Weimin Chu's images capture traditional landscapes integrated with modern developments in China. Chu creates a frame within a frame, connecting the carriage interior with the outside landscape, inviting us to journey alongside the photographer through landscapes and time.

"The photographer skillfully balances what looks like a documentary scene with added elements that make us question their reality.- Stefan Jensen, Curator at the Hasselblad Foundation and Grand Jury Chair.

ARCHITECTURE - Tiina Itkonen | Finland

Tiina Itkonen's series documents the traditional lives of Inuit hunters and their families, who live in small wooden houses in remote parts of East and North West Greenland. Her images exemplify resilience and ingenuity in extreme conditions.

"What I love about this series is its freedom to let the building live in a space. There’s a softness to the pallet which reflects the simple architecture on a quiet landscape." - Anne Farrar, Assistant Managing Editor of Photography at National Geographic and Grand Jury member.

PORTRAIT - Panji Indra Permana | Indonesia

Panji Indra Permana's project, 'The Cyclist Portrait,' began in 2020, documenting Indonesia's cycling trend during the COVID-19 pandemic. Initially focused on lifestyle portraits, it evolved to highlight those who rely on bicycles for their livelihoods and those who sell them. Historically, bikes in Indonesia were a symbol of privilege, owned by officials, aristocrats and wealthy merchants. Through his work, Permana promotes a healthier lifestyle and a greener planet.

"By using a backdrop and flash, the photographer plays on the historical aspects of studio photography, bringing out elements reminiscent of historical paintings." - Stefan Jensen, Curator at the Hasselblad Foundation and Grand Jury Chair.

STREET - Tom Pitts | United Kingdom

Tom Pitts’ series captures the unspoken emotions of strangers in transit, photographed at bus stops in England.I wanted to capture and share the stories and moments that take place every day during people's commutes, and the underlying beauty that passes us by," says Pitts.

"The artist has captured moments that create a poignancy and narrative, essential to successful Street Photography." - Andy Saunders, Senior Vice President at Getty Images and Grand Jury member.

ART - Jan Pypers | Belgium

Jan Pypers’ series explores humans' lost bond with nature, inspired by traditional dioramas and modern representation. By blending reality with surrealism, Pypers creates images that evoke curiosity and intrigue. It urges reconnection with and respect for the natural world.

"The photographer skillfully balances what looks like a documentary scene with added elements that make us question their reality." - Stefan Jensen, Curator at the Hasselblad Foundation and Grand Jury Chair.

PROJECT//21 - Efraïm Baaijens | The Netherlands

Efraïm Baaijens' micro images capture the extraordinary beauty and detail of the insect world.Let's marvel at these tiny faces and remember to respect all life forms, no matter how small. Insects are vital to our ecosystem, pollinating plants and maintaining balance in nature. You don't have to travel far to witness nature's wonders - just step outside and look closely," says Baaijens.

"Beautifully executed, we’re drawn into believing these insects have character and what they might be 'thinking'." - Andy Saunders, Senior Vice President at Getty Images and Grand Jury member.


To read more about the Hasselblad Masters 2023 and to see the full-sized images, please visit hasselblad.com/inspiration/masters/2023/

Hasselblad masters